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We are London’s most comprehensive foot health centre providing everything from simple treatments to complex surgery. We have been developing as a practice for almost 30 years and offer the most cutting edge treatments for professional athletes, children, sports enthusiasts and everyone in between! Whatever your problem, we have the qualified staff and most effective equipment to diagnose and treat you.

The Fitter Feet For Life Experience

Your free foot check may immediately suggest a course of action. In other cases, Fitter Feet For Life, as health care professionals, will offer you an initial consultation at which we will take a full medical history and do basic tests such as checking the blood circulation and feeling in your feet. We also check the way you walk and move your lower leg joints, using video slow motion gait analysis.

Our Services


Podiatric surgery is the surgical management of the bones, joints and soft tissues of the foot and associated structures. The conditions treated can include problems caused by bunions, arthritis, toe deformities and inflammation of the tissues of the foot, trapped nerves, plantar fasciitis and ganglion.

Gait & Posture Analysis

Pain in your knees, back, shoulders and feet are often linked to your gait and posture. By analysing how you move we create tailor made orthoses to realign your posture and get you moving effectively and pain free.

Laser Treatment for Fungal Infection in Nails

Fitter Feet for life have a leading team committed to eliminating fungus from your nails. Our staff have undergone advanced training to use the Fotona medical laser safely and effectively.

Shockwave Therapy for Heel Pain

Shockwave therapy is a non-surgical treatment, and works by focusing impulses of energy, targeted to specific damaged tissues around the heel, such as the plantar fascia and painful achilles tendons.

Verrucae Treatment

Verrucae are viral growths on the foot. Fitter Feet will examine your feet and recommend one of a number of available treatments, depending on the depth, number and age of your verrucae – and similar moles on your hands and feet.


Our staff are trained in podiatric medicine and are trained to cure your foot problems and keep you active on your feet. We can treat plantar fasciitis, a common painful heel condition, permanently cure ingrown nails, and treat painful skin lesions.We are also specially trained to prevent diabteic feet from developing high pressure ulcers.

Fungal Nail Infections

Fitter Feet for Life offer treatments for nail fungal infection using a state of the art medical laser. This new technology has exceptional success rates curing fungal nail infections. Fungal nail infections affects up to 10% of people in the UK.The infection causes the nail to become thicker, crumbly and turns it yellow, brown, orange or white, and can bleed and hurt. Fungal infections get worse slowly and spread to other nails and other people. If you are not sure what is wrong with your nails phone us for a free evaluation appointment where will explain how we can diagnose and treat you.

Diabetes and foot Care

How does Diabetes affect my feet?
One of the first ways in which diabetes may affect your feet is through the loss of sensation within your feet, often starting at the toes. You may experience a cotton wool like feeling or numbness in your feet, this is called neuropathy. Your chances of losing feeling in your feet increases with the number of years that you have diabetes and research suggests that up to one in three people with diabetes have some loss of sensation (called neuropathy).

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a condition that causes inflammation in many joints of the body. Unlike osteoarthritis which is caused by wear and tear, rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease where a faulty immune system attacks the tissue that lines and cushions the joints, leaving them swollen, painful and stiff.

Our Team

Our staff are headed up by Consultant Podiatric Surgeon Diane Nicholl and offer treatment that is specialised to each person. All our staff are registered with the Health Care Professions Council and provide the highest professional care. Our reception staff are experienced in making sure that you book the appropriate appointment, and also in helping with private insurance claims.

This website contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon information from this website as medical advice. Medical advice should be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist.