Feet, Far From the Head and Far From the Heart

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I heard a saying in Paris last week by a French doctor, “feet are far from the head and far from the heart”. This from a man who should know, the inventor of a rather fabulous foot orthotic, and a man who has spent many decades treating peoples problems. It is commonly accepted that we …


Verruca? How can a pod help?

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Verrucae are a common problem that affect many of us, and they are usually benign in nature. However, they can cause discomfort or considerable embarrassment for some people. Verrucae are caused by a virus, and it is notoriously difficult to treat virus with medication, hence one of the reasons why we still suffer from verruca …


What is a Podiatrist?

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A podiatrist is a health care practitioner who can assess, diagnose and treat disorders of the lower limb. The terms chiropodist and podiatrist are used by practitioners and are currently interchangeable terms. To become a podiatrist one must complete an honours degree level course which includes 1000 hours of clinical practice. Podiatry students study areas …


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